Copies of policies and documents can be requested in writing from school’s office.

Filename / LinkSize
Administering Medication policy452.71 Kb
Admissions Arrangement Policy547 Kb
Allergens and anaphylaxis policy2.39 Mb
Anti bullying policy622.07 Kb
Assessment feedback and marking policy939.14 Kb
Attendance Policy1.24 Mb
Behaviour and relationships policy1.32 Mb
Behaviour policy & Principles1.52 Mb
Bereavement Policy615.36 Kb
Charging and Remissions Policy567.54 Kb
Child Protection Policy671.24 Kb
Child on child Sexual Harmful Behaviour Policy620.51 Kb
Collective worship policy712.91 Kb
Complaints Policy & Procedures (including serial complaints)487.02 Kb
Disability equality and accessibility policy430.79 Kb
Drinking water and Toileting Policy557.03 Kb
Early Careers Teachers ( E C T) Induction Policy655.32 Kb
Educational visits policy395.87 Kb
F I N A L Dr Walkers C E V C Primary School Spirituality Policy September 2024886.89 Kb
Governing Body Succession Plan709.14 Kb
Governor monitoring visits559.75 Kb
Handwriting policy1.83 Mb
Health safety well being policy1.4 Mb
Intimate care policy296.6 Kb
L I F E Collective Worship Policy673.26 Kb
Looked After Children Policy ( L A C)616.27 Kb
Lunch policy583.46 Kb
Maths Calcultions Policy1.84 Mb
Medical & First Aid policy1.18 Mb
Online Safety policy579.12 Kb
Personal, Social, Health Education & Relationships, Sex Education & Health Education655.26 Kb
Post looked after Children Policy626.94 Kb
Premises and facilities management713.92 Kb
Preventing radicalisation and extremism policy392.71 Kb
Procedure for Dealing with Safeguarding Allegations against Adults in School Policy607.53 Kb
Pupil Premium Statement 2023 2024526.74 Kb
R E policy Feb 2025611.52 Kb
Risk assessment & guidance policy7.99 Mb
S E N D policy223.81 Kb
School Debt Policy571.04 Kb
School uniform Policy569.92 Kb
Statement of the use of physical intervantions and touch570.32 Kb
Unacceptable and abusive behaviour policy894.61 Kb
Visitors and volunteers guidelines policy576.28 Kb
Well Being Strategy676.02 Kb
collective worship guidance231.85 Kb
re statement of entitlement for church schools142.18 Kb
whistleblowing Policy665.49 Kb